Generating HTML Reports in PowerShell – Part 4


Almost doneI'm sure you would like to have something other than "Your Logo Here" at the top of these reports, well you can.  I have modified the module to accept two methods for rendering logos.  The Module will now to accept a file path to a logo or alternatively you can code your base64 string into the module which is the default if no files are specified.

Pre-requisites Again, we are going to use the code to create the Azure VMs recordset and other session variables we built up in Part 1. The module is available through the PowerShell Gallery or can be installed from PowerShell using install-module -name ReportHTML.  Additionally you can contribute via github ReportHTML which also has and all the Examples scripts for download. You can get the example code for part 4 from these Github links with comments and without comment.

Using images for Logos (Example 12) This example will utilize two jpg files, clientlogo and mainlogo and will encode these into base64 strings in the Get-HTMLClose function.

[powershell] ####### Example 12 ######## # The two logo files are stored in the report path $MainLogoFile = join-path $ReportOutputPath "ACELogo.jpg" $ClientLogoFile = join-path $ReportOutputPath "YourLogo.jpg"

$rpt = @() $rpt += Get-HtmlOpen -TitleText ($ReportName + " Example 12") $rpt += Get-HtmlContentOpen -HeaderText "Size Summary" $rpt += Get-HtmlContentTable ($RMVMArray | group Size | select name, count | sort count -Descending) $rpt += Get-HtmlContentClose

# In this case we are going to swap the logos around using ClientLogoFile and MainLogoFile parameters and switching the files used $rpt += Get-HtmlClose -ClientLogoFile $MainLogoFile -MainLogoFile $ClientLogoFile Test-Report -TestName Example12 [/powershell]


Change logos in the module (Example 13) This example show how the default option works. There are 5 client logo base64 strings encoded into the module. Simply calling the module with -ClientLogoType ClientLogo1 to ClientLogo5 with use a switch statement to select which logo to use. You can use Powershell or a website to create the encoding string. This string can then be put into the module. This obviously breaks receiving updates so I would recommend not using this but it's there at the moment.  Below shows the code where the ClientLogo and MainLogo strings are located.


[powershell] ####### Example 13 ######## $rpt = @() $rpt += Get-HtmlOpen -TitleText ($ReportName + " Example 13") $rpt += Get-HtmlContentOpen -HeaderText "Size Summary" $rpt += Get-HtmlContentTable ($RMVMArray | group Size | select name, count | sort count -Descending) $rpt += Get-HtmlContentClose

# We have been using Get-HTMLClose up until now which has a default of ClientLogo1 # In this case we can specify ClientLogo5 $rpt += Get-HtmlClose -ClientLogoType ClientLogo5

Test-Report -TestName Example13 [/powershell]

Using images for Logos (Example 14) This example we can pass in the base 64 string directly making moving a report around without an image file easier. This uses the ClientLogoBase64 and MainLogoBase64 parameters.

Edit Please note I uploaded some bad code relating to get-htmlclose and logos please update to  Apologies for any inconvenience. 

[powershell] ####### Example 14 ######## # for this we need to get the file and create the string. You could do this once and code the base64 string into the script $MainLogoFilePath = join-path $ReportOutputPath "ACELogo.jpg" $ClientLogoFilePath = join-path $ReportOutputPath "YourLogo.jpg" $MainBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $ClientLogoFilePath -Encoding Byte)) $clientBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $MainLogoFilePath -Encoding Byte))

# if you run the $clientBase64 and copy the content into a here string you can create the logo image without access to the file.

$rpt = @() $rpt += Get-HtmlOpen -TitleText ($ReportName + " Example 14") $rpt += Get-HtmlContentOpen -HeaderText "Size Summary" $rpt += Get-HtmlContentTable ($RMVMArray | group Size | select name, count | sort count -Descending) $rpt += Get-HtmlContentClose $rpt += Get-HtmlClose -ClientLogoBase64 $MainBase64 -MainLogoBase64 $MainBase64

Test-Report -TestName Example14 [/powershell]


Conclusion I really hope you find this useful and hope it can help you generate HTML reports on the fly to make someone's job easier.  There is another function ConvertTo-AdvHTML here that requires some HTML knowledge. However this output could be intertwined into ReportHTML module for advanced usage.  There is also a module here which has column sort which could be merged. There is a lot of potential here for expansion on what is there and a lot of room to improve as well.  Please feel free to post suggestions, contact me or contribute via Github.

Good luck.

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